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Matsuo Thermostat Q & A
Please explain the difference between Protector and Controller.
It is mainly used for safety in heaters and motors. As it is also called “for over-heating prevention”, it is a safety device which turns the power off when the temperature reaches a dangerous level due to heater runaway.
The differential is large and even a short operational life is considered to be adequate. Because of its simple structure, it can be manufactured at a low cost.

This is a thermostat to maintain the temperature at a certain level, and a representative product in this category is the electronic thermostat.
Features such as a small temperature difference (differential) at ON/OFF, high accuracy, a long, etc. are required. Because of these requirements, prices are relatively high.

The controller's role is to maintain a certain temperature level, and in the case that this temperature maintaining function is destroyed, the protector will cut off the power line as a last defensive resort.

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Why does the fact that using the same material, namely bimetal, result in longer life and a smaller differential in the case of the Temperature Power Sensor?
Most of the Protector Thermostats use a bimetal disk element which is made by forming the bimetal into a spherical surface.
Because the bimetal material is not a spring material, when there is a large internal stress, such as the reverse motion of the disk, the initial drawing depth gradually becomes shallow. In other words, the preset temperature shifts to the lower side. Furthermore, after tens of thousands of repeated operations, the stroke becomes smaller and sometimes there's no stroke at all.

Because the bimetal used as a flat plate in the case of the
Temperature Power Sensor, there is no internal stress. In other words, even after 10 million temperature cycles, it always returns to the initial position.
Additionally, a high performance spring material (Beryllium Copper) is used for the jump movement. Furthermore, because two bimetal are used for improved sensitivity, the differential can be made smaller, from 1/2 to 1/4 that of the disk type.

To see the mechanical configuration, click > "What is a Temperature Power Sensor"
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While the Temperature Power Sensor appears to have a sealed structure, is it a waterproof type?
Unfortunately, it is not waterproof.
This level of structure is normally called a dustproof or drip-proof structure.
While it can be immersed in water for a few hours, longer immersion is not recommended.
For a short time immersion waterproof capability, a double shield(DS) type is recommended, and for a complete waterproof capability, a thermostat for liquid temperature control is recommended.

Regarding the thermostats for liquid temperature control < Click here
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How good can the Temperature Power Sensor track changes in ambient temperature?

In cases where the change in ambient temperature is fast, the thermostat will slowly catch up with the change.
In cases where the change in ambient temperature is slow, the thermostat can effectively track the temperature change.

Please refer to the page regarding technical information for further details.
For the technical information page < Click here

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There is a description that the life of the Temperature Power Sensor is 100 thousand times. It is the same even if the TPS is used at a micro current?

While the Temperature Power Sensor has a mechanical life of 2 million operations or more, its life will be somewhat limited due to contact wearing in cases which a heavy load is applied. Because we specify the life to be 100 thousand operations at a rated loading, the life could be extended if operated at a load less than the rated value.
For example, if it is used with a micro current, it can last for 7 million operations or more.

Please refer to the technical information page click cure your load < Click here

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Please explain the model numbering system of the TPS in detail.
Because we are manufacturing thermostats for use as a controller, the model numbering system is more complicated than in the case of protectors.
Please refer to the technical information page, as the system is explained in detail using diagrams.
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